特 集

11人のお茶の時間 展

「11人のお茶の時間 展」オンラインショップにて特別開催

– 参加作家 –


Our online shop is now holding “Teatime with works of eleven artists” following the same event at our shop recently.

Enjoy tea-things made by popular ceramic and metal artists.
(Names of artists)
ANAN Koreya, IWASAKI Ryuji, IWASHIMIZU Hisao, ENDO Takeshi, ONUMA Michiyuki, OMURA Takeshi, OKA Shingo, TANAKA Nobuhiko, TSUCHIYA Mari, TSUNOKAKE Masashi, MANABE Takeshi (IWASHIMIZU is a metal artist and the others are ceramic ones.)

# The items on the online shop are shared with the real shop. Sorry about in advance that the item you order online is not necessarily available.

11人のお茶の時間 展

特集・読みもの 一覧