注連縄飾り、土守り / 東京都 New-year ornaments and clay work / Tokyo 注連飾りの造形美に魅了され、“その土地に生き続ける記憶・受け継がれてきた願い・全てが興味深く、その先を表現できたら”と、 故郷長崎の土や植物を用いて、場を整え心の支えとなれるものを表現している
Chizuru was enthralled by the beauty of form and shape of shime-kazari, which is sacred braided rope with festoons and displayed at home as a new-year ornament in Japan to welcome coming of the new year. She seeks to make works that soothe and encourage you.
Shime-kazari with hand-made Ogawa-washi (traditional paper) made at every year-end are special items that make you recall what’s happened this year and think what will happen in the coming year.
Adding her own arrangements to Scandinavian traditional straw work, she created unique Christmas ornaments tied with Kyo Kumihimo (Kyoto braided cord). They will increase their brightness due to aging.